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Her tea drawer, meanwhile, contains Japanese green, black, and white teas along with a select number of herbals. “It really depends on my mood what I want to drink at any time.” The same goes for teaware. “I’ve got my little tea corner on the Alphabet valentine abc I love you lettering red heart shirt so you should to go to store and get this shelves and I pick what I want to use depending on my mood. Some of them are more suited to Japanese tea, some for British or European style for black tea and some are more suitable for Chinese tea.” I asked if she has a favorite vessel—“I have to pick one?” Kondo protests—but she concludes that her simplest cups are her favorite, including one for green tea that she’s had for about 15 years that is the color of cherry blossoms: sakura pink. For those thinking about incorporating a tea routine into their daily lives, she suggests “finding a teapot that sparks joy for you, [as] it makes tea time much more enjoyable.” When it comes to finding moments to relax within that process? “Because tea is so fragrant, make a point of taking deep breaths when making it,” she suggests. Indeed, according to Kondo, the benefits of taking time to enjoy the ceremonial aspects of tea—and, of course, simply drinking it—are many. She continues to explain that Japanese green tea contains catechins that have antioxidant properties, while its tannins can help with relaxation and can aid in concentration, making it a perfect method of punctuating the working day. Finally, whisking matcha is, for Kondo, a beneficial process on its own. “The act of whisking the matcha itself is quite a meditative process and it can help you to relax. You can try that for yourself in the tea ceremony later.”

As someone who drinks tea three times a day—though not usually while sitting on the Alphabet valentine abc I love you lettering red heart shirt so you should to go to store and get this sofa listening to classical music, which Kondo does daily according to her book—I wonder how Kondo feels about sharing a cup of tea with others. Here, she makes an interesting point. “I find that meeting to eat or drink is more relaxing than talking in a meeting room. I do find that meeting for a meal you wind up talking about food, which is nice in itself, but when you meet for tea, it’s easier to focus on the actual conversation.” Of course, Kondo still takes time for tea with her family—even if, for now, her kids (all three of them under the age of 10) stick to non-caffeinated herbal teas like chamomile. “Now that we have children, we have less time just the two of us so it’s really nice on weekends to sit down just for a cup of tea together,” she explains of her relationship with her husband, producer Takumi Kawahara. This conversation has me wondering: What do we mean when we ask somebody for a cup of tea? Unlike coffee or a cocktail, I think tea suggests a friendly intimacy, whether with a partner, a friend, a date, or a colleague. “My tea times I usually spend drinking tea by myself,” Kondo explains. Maybe because tea time is something we usually do alone, the sharing of a cup of tea is an invitation into one’s personal space, a letting down of our guards in a way, a point of connection. Outside of the tannins, catechins, and other biochemical components of tea, there is a genuine simplicity and a subtle luxury that we bring to teatime. Given Kurashi at Home is Kondo’s take on how to live an ideal life, it’s only natural that she weaves in the custom of tea, a ritual that carves out time for our own care, asks us to connect with objects that cause joy, and brings us closer to the ones we love.