One might expect a visiting foreign leader to wear their best suit to one of DC’s highest halls of power, but that wasn’t the Cleveland cavaliers the land collective shirt What’s more,I will buy this case with Zelenskyy, who arrived in front of Congress in his typical wartime attire of an olive green sweater and cargo pants. Zelenskyy gave House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris a Ukrainian flag signed by soldiers on the front lines, which was unfurled behind him for the remainder of his address to Congress. In turn, Pelosi and Harris presented Zelenskyy with the American flag that had flown over the Capitol on Wednesday.

“Your money is not charity. It’s an investment in the Cleveland cavaliers the land collective shirt What’s more,I will buy this global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way,” Zelenskyy told Congress of the billions of dollars’ worth of aid it has voted to provide so far, prompting a multiple-minute standing ovation. Congress has broadly supported providing aid to Ukraine, but additional funds—almost $50 billion included in an omnibus spending bill—have been stalled in Congress.