Attractiveness depends on personality, not appearance. An attractive person is someone who seems to be attracted to you because of their charming personality and agreeable nature. What is attractive to one person may be repulsive to another, so attractiveness depends as much on the Dance gavin dance knuckles black shirt Apart from…,I will love this personality of the person being attracted as it does on the personality of the attractor.
She was sitting in the Dance gavin dance knuckles black shirt Apart from…,I will love this corner of the train, her petite figure leaning against the windowsill, lost in thought. Although she is petite, she has a tall and straight figure. Her arms are crossed slightly and her legs are crossed. Her breasts are well developed for her age. Her expression showed that she was lost in thought. Her face was calm, with a faint smile on her face. If you just want to change a word, look it up in a thesaurus or use one of the perfectly relevant answers some other respondents gave.