Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who identifies as LGBTQ+ and is in a same-sex marriage, praised the Homixide Gang Not A Gang T-Shirt Apart from…,I will love this landmark passage. “Starting today, millions of American families will know that our marriages are protected—not just by a margin of one on the Supreme Court but by American law,” he wrote on Twitter this morning. The Respect for Marriage Act will officially repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed in 1996 during the Clinton administration and federally banned same-sex marriages. Passed by a large, veto-proof Republican-controlled upper and lower chamber of Congress, former President Clinton, at the time, voiced his disapproval of the bill, calling it, “divisive and unnecessary,” but still signed it into law.

Many view the Homixide Gang Not A Gang T-Shirt Apart from…,I will love this bipartisan passage of Respect for Marriage Act as a reflection of growing public approval of same-sex marriage across both parties. Sixty-one percent of Americans say legalization of same-sex marriage is good for society, according to a Pew Research poll conducted in October. Thirty-nine House Republicans and 12 Republican Senators voted for the Respect of Marriage Act. In the bill, the federal government is prohibited from denying marriage between two persons “on the basis of the sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals.” This also provides major protections to interracial marriages, which became fully legal in the United States in 1967 through Loving v. Virginia. The majority opinions for Loving and Obergefell were both centered around the 14th amendment, which guarantees due process and equal protection for all.