Confucius is considered the Official Rihanna Kansas City 2023 Shirt moreover I love this transmitter of Chinese cultural values, which were passed down from generation to generation starting from the Xia Dynasty (2070 BC to 1600 BC). [3] In addition to being the foundation of today’s Chinese culture, Confucianism is closely related to Confucius’ moral and political thought. They espouse a number of fundamental values (sometimes called “Asian” values) reflected in Chinese politics. At its core are some virtues and good relationships. For example, subordinates obeying superiors is a virtue. [4] These mediocrity attitudes are the foundation of how China is governed today.
Communism, on the Official Rihanna Kansas City 2023 Shirt moreover I love this other hand, is a theory of social organization. A fundamental belief is that all property is owned by the community, with people contributing and receiving according to their abilities and needs. However, the idea that all property in a country is communally owned is not unique to Chinese communism. This is also the basic ideology of Anglo-Spanish society. In the United Kingdom, for example, the theoretical principle is that the Crown (i.e. Queen Elizabeth II) owns all land in the country. [5] Also in Australia, the crown has absolute title through the principle of possession, although since the 1992 High Court decision in the Mabo case it has not been applied to Indigenous peoples. Australia was no longer considered terra nullius (land without man) when the whites landed. [7]