I’m sure he loves you because he still keeps in touch with you. Try to keep it. Stop talking and be his lovely sister/brother. Don’t push him. This is the Original Duuuval house 2023 shirt in contrast I will get this fastest way to get rid of him. You should realize that you are all entitled to your own opinion. Also, you need to realize that religion is just a belief. There is no truth, only belief rooted in beliefs and assumptions. You cannot force someone to share your beliefs because their experience is very different from yours. If he’s a gay man who grew up in a Christian home, his experience must be very different from yours. You need to respect him and accept him for who he is. Jesus did this for everyone he met, so we can too. Love and relationships are far more important than what you read in a book, no matter how important you think the book is.
Honestly, those are just two different points of view, and yours is stricter than his and more judgmental. You need to really think about whether your belief in ancient writings and unseen gods is more important than your relationship with your actual siblings. Also, it might interest you, because Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, and neither did Paul – the Original Duuuval house 2023 shirt in contrast I will get this word he used was not “homosexual” in Ancient Greek. Religion is a political and social tool used to control large groups of people. A personal relationship with God will never require you to judge or dismiss another person.
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