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Let us see this as a cause to stop spending resources that could be of good use…’Today 21,000 children died’. When did you see this headline for the Drake not the rapper the amazing university in des moines drake bulldogs shirt in addition I really love this last time? I don’t buy the time saving reasoning for one second. I spend less than 1 minute deciding what to wear each day. You’re overthinking this. It’s not just him. But some people does wear the same dress over and over. It is because they try to establish a style for themselves. For eg. US President always wears suit. Indian prime minister always wears a Kurta type dress. It’s just a style statement. Nothing more than that. I was dead chuffed a few years ago when Facebook had its IPO on 18 May 2012, to see pictures of Mark Zuckerberg , aged 28, wearing exactly the same Adidas black and white slippers that I bought in Miami several years ago.

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