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Toby LevyToby Levy, 89, talks to Toledano and me as if we have been friends forever. There is no one who wants to experience the Logo Nike Ohma Tokita For Otaku Kengan Ashura Shirt besides I will buy this world more than Levy. Back in January of 2021, she wrote an article for The New York Times about grappling with the isolation of COVID-19 and how she yearned to break free from the confines of the pandemic. Levy was born in Khodoriv, in the Lviv district of western Ukraine, in 1933. Her family was religious and her father owned a textile shop. When they felt the threat of the Nazi invasion (Levy’s grandfather was shot in the kitchen), they found a trusted Ukrainian woman, Stefania Struk, who agreed to hide Levy’s remaining family, including her parents and sister; her uncle, aunt, and their two children; and her grandmother. For two years, the family of nine would sleep and eat in the corner of a hayloft in the back of Struk’s house. Struk did not share the secret with her children or accept any payment. (Struk’s husband had been sent to the Russian army.) “I always say that [Stefania] was my angel that watched over me,” says Levy. The family survived on potatoes and bread that Struk would bring. At one point, they were discovered by Stefania’s son, Tadeusz, who helped to build a larger space for them in the hayloft. “We didn’t have to squeeze [anymore]. We each could turn at night,” Levy says. “He cut out the panel in the wall for us children so we could look out and see the world. That’s what I used to see the whole day—the children playing games. The minute I got out, I tried to imitate the games that I watched the kids play.”

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