NCAA Fresno State 2022 La Bowl Champion Shirt
Any color you wish because black is a neutral color and literally any other color, including black, combines well with black pants. Think of black pants as the NCAA Fresno State 2022 La Bowl Champion Shirt also I will do this “Swiss Army Knife” of a man’s wardrobe. What I mean by this is that you can literally blindfold yourself, walk into your closet where your shirts are hanging, and grab the first shirt you touch. It will absolutely match a pair of black pants. This is the classic outfit consisting of a white crewneck t-shirt, black pants, and black shoes. This outfit is styled with a pair of black sunglasses which makes this look stylish and chic. Socks are optional. In this next outfit, we see a v-neck maroon t-shirt worn with a pair of black pants and black & white sneakers. I personally would prefer to see more fitted pants, but that’s completely up to you. I think the pants look a little bulky when they’re this wide.
