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Not your keys not your coins shirt

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Not your keys not your coins shirt

As Vogue noted approvingly, she was “the Not your keys not your coins shirt it is in the first place but youngest but one of a family of ten, and she has had the best social training known to man—to be part of an enormous family enjoying a perpetual house party. When five, she met the future King: he remembers this, for he was ten. The elder sisters all made good but unsensational matches.” The First World War transformed Glamis into a war hospital (and killed Lady Elizabeth’s beloved brother Fergus). When a fire broke out at the castle, it was Lady Elizabeth who rang the fire brigades and, with some presence of mind, organized relays to bring the treasures out of the castle to safety. “When she came out,” noted Vogue of her 1919 debut in society, “some thought her the best dancer among the debutantes, and she acted as a hostess at home, when her mother was ill, to a party that included her future husband—whom she had already met through her friend, Princess Mary,” the Princess Royal, his sister. Bertie, as he was known to friends and family, was smitten, although a generation earlier he would have been expected to marry a fellow royal. Queen Mary went to pay a visit to see what all the fuss was about. But Lady Elizabeth was quite a catch, and stammering Bertie, prince of the land, had to propose three times before he received the answer he desired. (He was initially turned down because, in Lady Elizabeth’s words, she was “afraid never, never again to be free to think, speak, and act as I feel I really ought to.”) When she finally accepted the prince’s hand, Sir Henry Chatham noted in his diary that “there is not a man in the whole of England who does not envy him.”



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