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Philadelphia Eagles 90th Anniversary 1933 2023 Fly Eagles Fly Signatures Shirt

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Philadelphia Eagles 90th Anniversary 1933 2023 Fly Eagles Fly Signatures Shirt

Here is the Philadelphia Eagles 90th Anniversary 1933 2023 Fly Eagles Fly Signatures Shirt in contrast I will get this answer in his own words!! Have a look at it --> #AskMark: Why do you wear the same shirt every day? From an economic standpoint, our energy is a finite & limited resource- we only have so much we can use up in any given day. Therefore, we must choose what we expend our energy on in a controlled fashion. Zuck will have more mental agility on important decisions if he doesn’t expend energy deciding what shirt he’s wearing and other trivial things of that nature… Its all about science and researches…he mentioned once that he wear the same sort of shirts because he read in a research that more decisons you make the less energy you have for the everyday “important” decisons that he needs to make….!!!! Further i would like to add that i have seen some motivational speakers who wear the same coloured shirts as of ROBIN SHARMA. i have usually seen him in black shirts and t shirts in all his videos and seminars…!!!



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