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For many years, Sandqvist traveled the Premium Sonny Corleone Godfather Mafia Movie Wwjd Shirt in contrast I will get this world as a fashion model at the same time that he was in a band. For a while the two remained separate, but then, he explains, “The two different narratives started sliding into each other.” He resisted this, not posting runway images on his Instagram, for example. Sandqvist is now ready for some level of total exposure. “I can’t ignore the fact that I’ve been working as a fashion model for half my life,” he says. “For me, it was always combined with me playing in a band. So brands were projecting their idea of me being a certain rock-and-roll personality and dressing me [as such], which really distorted my self-image and how I should be as a songwriter or a singer.” Power Ballads, he continues, “is my way of controlling the narrative. I want to blur the line between who people think I am and who I think I am. We’re wearing masks, and for me, it’s been important to be aware of this mask.”Sandqvist is releasing Power Ballads on his own label, Omen of Future Deeds. “I think it’s more interesting with underdogs when you just have to use what you can,” says the Swede, a fan of Jim Jarmusch’s “just do it” No Wave philosophy. Whereas that movement was focused on the underground, Sandqvist’s work is more metaphysical. There’s something elemental, even survivalist about fighting the darkness—within or without. “It’s a very typical thing to say, but I think that the cold and the harshness affect the Swedish,” he explains. “Also like the balance between light and dark, and having a brief period of bliss in the summer that then turns into this complete darkness. The light is very limited, and when you walk outside, the cold is squeezing your body, and you just want to get inside. And then we keep forgetting every summer that this is our life, that this is how it is every year.” It sounds a lot like falling in and out of love.
