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Tested sluts fucked my dad and now he’s bi 2023 shirt

Ảnh của tác giả: Americastee storeAmericastee store

Tested sluts fucked my dad and now he’s bi 2023 shirt

If we are speaking of men’s Fashion here, I believe a nice crisp, rich navy blue shirt to be a Powerhouse! It goes well with Almost Everything. The standard has been to wear it with beige or khaki slacks but I find that to be kind of fast-food-uniform-y so I break the Tested sluts fucked my dad and now he’s bi 2023 shirt also I will do this rules and wear it with chocolate-brown slacks (looks great with a brown suit) or the old no-no of black slacks. Deep black and rich navy look great together! For a less formal but a bit dressy summer look, bright white pants work great. One more look I like is wearing a navy shirt with navy pants, a monochrome option, BUT—-and it’s a Big But—-they must be exactly the same shade/tone, preferably made by the same designer to go together. If they are even slightly off, it doesn’t work at all. 🙁



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